Thursday, November 15, 2007

Another ROAD TRIP!

Lots of pics! A mix of AWANA, family pics and friends.

Just when I thought we were done with all the least until January..I took one more trip. (Although I'm sure more are to come haha)
I went with my sister to Odessa last weekend to attend our cousin Renee's wedding. It was a grand affair with a beautiful bride and great looking groom. Plus we got to see family!
We started out with me hauling butt out of Austin to go pick Lisa up in Hico. At Hico I dropped a load of stuff off at my parent's house, grabbed my sister, kissed my niece numerous times and we were off. Mom and Dad were so sweet and gave us their credit card to stay overnight in Abilene. I still can't believe they trusted us with that thing! Hopefully they won't look closely at their bill. haha
Lisa drove the entire way to Abilene while I chatted her ear off. Most of you know that that isn't normal for me...
So we got to Abilene and found a great room. Lisa and I were so excited to get to spend this time together since we have never taken a road trip just the two of us.
Another thing mom and dad did was tell us to spend some money (from them) on ourselves for a birthday present since I'll be gone. Lisa and I scoped out WalMart and hit them like there was no tomorrow. :)
Nothing like having someone elses money to spend in Wally World. haha
We then headed back to our room where we snacked and watched television. Ahhhh...the heighth of laziness....
Saturday morning we got up and got back out on the road for Odessa. Once there we zipped over to see grandmother and granddad and hung out until the wedding.
At the wedding I got to see my cousin's baby for the first time. She sure is a cutie!
Lisa and I hung around to see the cake cut and then we were off again back to Hico. I stayed the night with Lisa, Dennis and Sydney then we went and hung out with mom and dad Sunday morning until I had to get back home.
All in all it was a great trip.
And now I'll be leaving Austin again this coming Monday. I'll be heading to Hico to stay until I leave for East Asia in January.
But you can keep up with me through this blog!
And email me too!


Friday, November 2, 2007

Are we there yet?....

We are getting closer and closer to my last day in Austin. I can't believe I'm actually moving. I never thought I'd leave Austin once I settled here. I remember the day I moved here. Everything I owned fit into two vehicles. :)
And look at me now....all I own is clothing and suitcases. Wow- I actually have less now than when I came here. hahaha
But it is amazing what a person is willing to do when lead by our Father to do so.

So here I am, 19 days until my big move. I'm really sad to be leaving everyone and yet I'm thrilled to get to spend so much time with my family through the holidays.

This week I completed a few big items that needed to be taken care of. I got my passport visa and found health insurance. :)

I'll keep you updated with more later.