Friday, November 2, 2007

Are we there yet?....

We are getting closer and closer to my last day in Austin. I can't believe I'm actually moving. I never thought I'd leave Austin once I settled here. I remember the day I moved here. Everything I owned fit into two vehicles. :)
And look at me now....all I own is clothing and suitcases. Wow- I actually have less now than when I came here. hahaha
But it is amazing what a person is willing to do when lead by our Father to do so.

So here I am, 19 days until my big move. I'm really sad to be leaving everyone and yet I'm thrilled to get to spend so much time with my family through the holidays.

This week I completed a few big items that needed to be taken care of. I got my passport visa and found health insurance. :)

I'll keep you updated with more later.