Friday, December 28, 2007

Count down........

It has come down to 10 days before I leave. I find myself staying up extremely late the last few nights thinking about the day I leave. One minute I'm as excited as I'll ever be because I'm doing something with my life that I NEVER imagined I would have ever done and then the next minute I'm sad because I can't imagine not seeing my family and friends.
But I know that our wonderful Lord and Savior is going to be right there with me the entire time. What an AWESOME God we have!

I spent my last day at Hico Elementary with my niece and her class. They had their Christmas party, which I got to help with, and then we had a fun time watching the kids open gifts from each other. I was telling my sister that I couldn't remember having THAT MUCH FOOD at our school Christmas parties...... :)

Christmas was great at the Gilbreath household. We went to look at Christmas lights Christmas eve and then had to get home so Sydney could go to bed. Everyone knows that Santa doesn't visit if you aren't in bed! Hey- who ever made the rule that Santa doesn't visit you when you get out of college? Apparently, per my niece, college age is when Santa no longer comes. Good to know! Here I was thinking that I had just been bad all these years and that was why he wasn't coming.
Christmas day we ate, played games, ate some more, watched movies, ate some more and did I mention we ate? Is it true that diet coke counter acts all that fattening food?

I've begun packing my bags and have run into a snag. Apparently my baggage has also been eating a lot because they are overweight. :)

That is all for now.
I'll send out another update before I leave.

Happy New Year to you all!!!!
